VOCABULARY : parts of the house, furniture and decoration
1. Do you know what these things you can find in a house are called?
Click on the pictures to get the answer __
(you will find these and more pictures related to the house).
2. Picture vocabulary exercise Listen and choose the picture the speaker says.
3. Visual vocabulary revision. Listen to the words and watch the pictures at the same time. (varied vocabulary)
The following videos will help you to revise most of the vocabulary related to the house.
1. A video where someone is showing his house in Filipines (vocabulary: mainly parts of the house)
2. Another video showing a luxurious house, click here
3. A video showing how to decorate the house (vocabulary: adjectives)
4. A Victorian house: an example of an old-fashioned house
5. An apartment in New York - feng shui tips (vocabulary: bedroom)
6. Decorating small spaces (vocabulary: the living room)
Listening practice:
Listening 1 (renting versus owning) Multiple choice questions
Listening 2 (buying a new house) Multiple choice questions
Listening 3 (an ideal house) Multiple choice questions
Listening 4 (Kevin's house) Multiple choice questions, true/false, fill-in-the-gaps text.
Listening 5 (Dee's house) True/false questions, open questions, fill-in-the-gaps text.
If you want to know more about the structure "have something done", click here.
Some grammar practice:
Exercise 1 (have something done)
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